Monday, April 23, 2018

At the Crosswalk

Hey y'all!

Its been a good week! It's starting to hot, but at least it's not in the 100s yet!

We had a bunch of lessons this week! I love teaching the gospel of Jesus Christ! 

Melissa is so awesome! She got a priesthood blessing and she's seeing a difference in her life! Her kids are adorable! They're not old enough to be baptized, but Gavin (her son) is like, "baptism and the sacrament sound super important... When can we get that done?" SO CUTE! <3 they came to church and they love it. In Relief Society (a group of women who meet together the last hour of church) we talked about the Proclamation, which discusses the roles of families. She loved it! Hopefully we can set her with a baptism date soon!

Steven is doing good too! He's like my cool uncle who is so sincere and funny all at once! We went over the Restoration again and he really wants to find out if it's true. He promised us he would read the whole Book of Mormon before next week! We know the Book of Mormon is true and will really help him get an answer. We hope to give him a baptism date too!

We haven't seen the Wirtes :( so we heart attacked their door and they loved it! 

We got a referral named Joanna and she's so stinking cute! We should be meeting with her tonight! 

It was Danise's birthday this week! We got candles and a card that wished her a happy 29th birthday! 

Super cool miracle: on Saturday, one of our lessons went a little long so we were on the street right across from Bonnie's house. Right as we're about to bike away, Bonnie Pless calls and is like, "SOS I NEED HELP!" God's hand was in that! I love Sis. Pless/Bonnie :)

Another cool miracle: there was this biking event taking place all day on a major street in our area. We happened to be down there with our bikes and it was fun talking to people! We even ran into members from the Rancho Cucamonga area.

To explain the subject line, we were standing at a Crosswalk and I saw this thick card. So I pulled it out and it was basically about how global warming is cause by the vadican and the government. There was even a quote by an ex-Satanist! Only in SOCAL :P

I know this is the true gospel of Jesus Christ. I know that as we have faith, repent, be baptized and confirmed with the priesthood, and endure to the end we will be blessed beyond measure! 

Have a great week y'all! The Lord loves you and so do I! 

Sister Sorensen

2-3. Heart Attacking the Wirtes! 
4-5. Pictures Gavin drew for us! The first one is a picture of us and his family that says you're the best! <3
6. Dress from Mexico! Man Cali has some cool stuff! 

Monday, April 16, 2018

Sorensen and Mecham Weeding Company

Hey y'all!

Its been kinda a weird week! We did SO MUCH SERVICE! 

All we did was weed, but y'all! When them things have deep roots, it's a trip! We did most of Danise's yard and all of Sis. Pless' yard. Sis. Please treated us to Starbucks cream Frappuccinos and Penical Peak (a really good steakhouse with country music).

We also had a couple of good lessons. Lots of people cancelled, which was a bummer :( but Melissa is so good! She's so cute and I love her! She has a lot going on and I just know the gospel is going to help her!

I just LOVE the people here in Claremont and Pomona! <3

Anyway, for P-day we got pedicures as a zone... With the elders... It was great! 

This week I also got my pre-trunk papers! Trunky is when you're at the end of your mission and you're really excited about going home. I'm trying hard not to get TOO trunky! 

I LOVE the Book of Mormon SO MUCH! Whenever I'm feeling stressed or frustrated, I find so much peace in the Book of Mormon. I was on the phone with Steven yesterday and he said that some of his friends are trying to convince him not to read the Book of Mormon. He said that he has to read it and find out from God Himself. I LOVE THAT! It's so true! If we want to know if the Book of Mormon is true, we have to pray about it with real intent, just like Moroni 10:3-5 says. 

Sorry there's not much of an update! I sure do miss y'all!

Sister Sorensen 

1. All the elders getting their feet done! 
2. Sis. Mecham and I with our lovely shoe tans 
4. Sis. Mecham and I at the salon 
5-6. There's a sketchy ice cream truck that goes through Pomona and we finally got something! 

Monday, April 9, 2018

Waffle Fiesta

Hey y'all!

It was a good week! We found some new people to teach, which is always exciting! I really love the people we get to see! <3

Steven is doing pretty alright. He's been through a lot, but he has great faith! We should be meeting with him tonight! 

We met this new woman named Melissa and she's so cool! She joined in on a lesson with another investigator, Lorraine. She's looking for a good church for her kids and we were like, COME TO OURS! AND SHE DID WITH HER TWINS! It was so awesome! We're going to see her tomorrow. 

We also met with Isabeau. She's such a sweetie! Hopefully we'll see her this week! 

We've done a lot of service for older members. We're weeding Bonnie Pless' yard. She's a returning less active who will give you the Pep talk of your entire life! She's amazing! 

We also helped Danise, a recent convert from Texas weed and we washed her windows. On Wednesday, our afternoon plans fell through, so we went over to Danise's house and helped her weed in our dresses! It was a funny sight for sure! 

COOL MIRACLE! We were unlocking our bikes and this guy is walking with his mom and he stops and says, "y'all are Mormon right? Where's your church?" we jumped on it right away and got his phone number! He wasn't able to come to church this week, but it was a super cool experience! 

For a zone activity, we had a Waffle Fiesta and a nurf gun war! It was so much fun! I cooked a ton of waffles and even brought some chicken to have chicken and waffles! I converted an elder from Utah to the southern ways! After a sugar high, we all shot each other with a bunch of nurf guns! 

I really love Heavenly Father! It's so awesome seeing all the beautiful creations, including His special children! He loves us SO MUCH! He created so many unique people who are so amazing I different ways. I'm so blessed to be able to meet His special spirits.

Have a great week! The Lord loves you and so do I! 

Sister Sorensen

Since we haven't gotten our Waffle Fiesta pics yet and we didn't take any the rest of the week, here's a B&W Pic of Sis. Mecham and I and some sweet peas that a member gave us! 

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

General Conference and Temples

Hey y'all!

 Sorry this is coming a day late because WE GOT TO GO TO THE TEMPLE!!! It was my last temple trip of my mission! Bitter-sweet moment...

This General Conference was AMAZING! LIKE Y'ALL! I felt the spirit so strongly throughout the whole conference. I know President Nelson is a Prophet of God and he is receiving revelation!

I think one of the sweetest moments was when he announced that a temple will be built in RUSSIA! I felt an overwhelming joy for the saints in Russia who may not have access to all the blessings that we have here in the US. This truly is a worldwide church and God truly loves ALL His children.

We saw some great miracles this past week! We were able to run into a new investigator that we haven't seen in a while when we were walking to another investigators house!

We finally saw the Wirtes! They're doing great pretty well. We're going to start reading the Book of Mormon with them more.

Steve is still going through some hard things, but he knows that he needs to put the Lord first and everything will work out.

Yesterday we had a lesson with a woman named Isabeau. She's so sweet and AMAZING! She's talked to missionaries before and really recognizes that we carry the spirit with us. Hopefully we can help her reach her spiritual goal of being baptized!

We also went on exchanges yesterday and that was another bitter-sweet moment. I was with Sis. Ricks ans I love her so much! We've been in the same zone for my whole mission. She goes home next month and this was our last exchange together! We were kinda sad, but I know I've made some amazing friends here on my mission!

The temple was so awesome! We went with half the mission and it was a beautiful experience to see us all in white, doing work for those who have passed on the other side. I know that we can find true peace and personal revelation in the temples of the Lord. I love to see the temple!

I'm so grateful for this past Easter season! I love the time we're given to reflect on the Savior and His sacrifice for all of us. I know he really did die for us so that we can return to the Father. I know He feels everything we do and literally carries us when we need it.

Love and miss y'all! The Lord loves you and so do I!

Sister Sorensen

 1-3. Sis. Mecham and I at the temple this morning!
 4. Cute Easter picture! Shout out to Sis. Mecham for doing my hair
 5-6. Weekly Planning can be hard sometimes... So we took a quick selfie break
7-8. Just being goofy while Sis. Mecham plays the piano!